Template Syntax
To render the component's property in your template you can use it as PHP variable without any opening and closing tags (<?php
, ?>
, <?=
On front-end side Viewi will track changes in your component and will trigger rerendering of that specific part only. In this case if $message
gets changed, Viewi will update that div
content accordingly.
For complex expressions you ca use {expression}
<div>{!empty($message) ? $message : ''}</div>
<div>{ $valid ? 'OK': 'Error' }</div>
Please note: all values are automatically HTML encoded (rendered as plain text).
Please note: if you need to output $
or {
without triggering interpolation you can escape these with backslash: \$
and \{
To output raw HTML use a double mustache syntax, like this:
Rendering HTML on your website can be very dangerous due to XSS vulnerabilities. Use it only on trusted content.
It you need to render something that component method returns, you can use method as a function in your template:
Viewi will trigger rerendering of that HTML element only if you change properties and dependencies that this method uses. Viewi gets you covered automatically.
Rendering attribute values could not be easier, the syntax is all the same:
<a href="$href" class="red $myClass">Click here</a>
<a href="{getLatestUrl()}">Latest</a>
Nullable Attributes
Viewi will automatically recognize NULL
values and will not render attribute in this case. For example:
<div id="$id">Content</div>
If your $id
is null
, you will get div
without an id attribute:
If your $id
is 'my-id'
, you will get div
with an id attribute:
<div id="my-id">Content</div>
Dynamic Attributes
Do not know your attribute name upfront? Not a problem:
<div $attributeName="my-value"></div>
<div {getName()}="my-value"></div>
Boolean Attributes
If the HTML attribute is boolean you can bypass a condition into an attribute value, and it will render the attribute based on that condition.
List of boolean attributes:
async autofocus autoplay checked controls default defer disabled formnovalidate hidden ismap itemscope loop multiple muted nomodule novalidate open readonly required reversed selected
<button disabled="$isDisabled">Send</button>
Based on value of isDisabled
property, the results will be next:
<button disabled="disabled">Send</button>
Conditional Attributes
Conditional attributes help you to simplify using the attributes based on conditions.
For example, instead of using $condition ? 'one' : 'two'
like here:
<div class="panel {$selected ? 'show' : ''}"></div>
you can use class.show="$selected"
like this:
<div class="panel" class.show="$selected"></div>
You can have as many attributes as you want, all of them will be merged together during rendering.
Template Tag
tag allows you to combine the content into one logical entity. It is a virtual tag and only its content will be rendered.
It is useful for grouping and combinations with if
or foreach
, which you can learn more in the next chapters.
Wrapping text node into template
in order to use if
<template if="$user !== null">
Dynamic Tag
It happens that at some point you don not know what tag it will be during the application`s life. Therefore you are free to use a dynamic tag, like this:
<$tag>Some content</$tag>