List Rendering

foreach directive

To render a list of items use foreach directive like this:

public $fruits = ["Orange", "Apple"];
<div foreach="$fruits as $fruit">
<div foreach="$fruits as $index => $fruit">
    {$index + 1}. $fruit

Will result to:

    1. Orange
    2. Apple

foreach and if combinations

You are free to use foreach and if (else-if, else) on the same element. But keep in mind that the order matters: firstly will be evaluated whatever it is declared first. For example, this will check if condition first, and if it is true then will run foreach:

<div if="$open" foreach="$fruits as $fruit">

And this will run foreach first, and then check if condition for each iteration:

<div foreach="$users as $user" if="$user->isActive">

foreach and template

foreach can be easily used in combination with template to group elements for each iteration:

<template foreach="$fruits as $fruit">
    <p>Some text..</p>