Conditional Rendering

if directive

To render the block based on condition use if attribute with an expression. The block will be rendered only if the condition is true:

<div if="$marvelous">
    Viewi is marvelous!

Will result to:

    Viewi is marvelous!

else-if directive

You can extend conditional rendering by using else-if attribute with an expression. The block will be rendered only if the condition is true and previous if or else-if blocks are false:

<div if="$weather == 'sunny'">
    It is nice and sunny outside today.
<div else-if="$weather == 'rainy'">
    Oh no, it is raining again.

Will result to:

    Oh no, it is raining again.

Please note: else-if block should be right after another if or else-if block.

else directive

Of course you can also have else conditional block. The block will be rendered only if all the previous conditions are false:

<div if="$weather == 'sunny'">
    It is nice and sunny outside today.
<div else-if="$weather == 'rainy'">
    Oh no, it is raining again.
<div else>
    Take an umbrella in case it may rain.

Will result to:

    Take an umbrella in case it may rain.

Please note: else block should be right after another if or else-if block.

Grouping with template

You can group a couple of elements into one conditional block by using template.

Useful when you want to render some text or group of elements based on condition:

<template if="$show">
    Just text
<template if="$open">

Will result to:

Just text