Creating Components

Creating a simple component

To create a new component all you have to do is just to create two files in your components folder (viewi-app/Components and its sub folders): .html for template and .php for code logic.

Please note: both files should be in the same folder and should have the same base name.

Inside your php file create a class derived from Viewi\Components\BaseComponent.

For example, let's create a Counter component.



namespace Components\Views\Counter;

use Viewi\Components\BaseComponent;

class Counter extends BaseComponent
    public int $count = 0;

    public function increment()

    public function decrement()


<button (click)="decrement()" class="mui-btn mui-btn--accent">-</button>
<span class="mui--text-dark mui--text-title">$count</span>
<button (click)="increment()" class="mui-btn mui-btn--accent">+</button>

Now you can use it as a tag in any other component's template: <Counter />

Please note: Class name should match the tag name and therefore should be unique across all the application.

Creating component with Layout

Layouts are components that have html tag and special tag <slot> for placing the content of parent component. For example:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


    <div id="content">
    <ViewiAssetss />




namespace Components\Views\Layouts;

use Viewi\Components\BaseComponent;

class Layout extends BaseComponent
    public string $title = 'Viewi'; // default title

And then any other components can reuse it like this:

<Layout title="$title">

Here <h1>$title</h1> will be placed instead of <slot></slot> in your Layout component. Also you can pass properties title="$title" to the Layout so it can use it in its code logic or render in its template.

ViewiAssetss is a special component that is responsible for reactivity in browser. It is optional and can be omitted if you do not wish to have reactive application in your browser. For example, for rendering emails, etc.

Creating a CounterPage component

Now let us create a CounterPage component.



namespace Components\Views\Pages;

use Viewi\Components\BaseComponent;

class CounterPage extends BaseComponent


<Layout title="Counter">
    <div class="mui-container-fluid">
        <Counter />

If you render CounterPage component, the result will be next:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


    <div id="content">
        <div class="mui-container-fluid">
            <button class="mui-btn mui-btn--accent">-</button>
            <span class="mui--text-dark mui--text-title">0</span>
            <button class="mui-btn mui-btn--accent">+</button>
    <script async defer src="/viewi-default/viewi.js"></script>


Assigning component to specific route

Viewi supports routing and will automatically render components based on assigned url or route rule.

Le us assign CounterPage component to /counter url so every time user navigates to that url in the browser he will receive HTML content of that page.

File with all assigned routes is located here:


To add the component simply use this syntax:

// add using at the top of the file
use Components\Views\Pages\CounterPage;

// ...

// add new route
$router->get('/counter', CounterPage::class);

Please make sure you add your routes before 404 (Page not found) handler, otherwise your component will not be reachable.

$router->get('/counter', CounterPage::class);
// ...

// '*' (wildcard syntax to catch any url) handler should be at the end
    ->get('*', NotFoundPage::class)
    ->transform(function (Response $response) {
        return $response->withStatus(404, 'Not Found');