Components and services

Lifecycle hooks

Every Viewi component goes through a couple of steps during its lifecycle. It is possible to run custom code during these steps using lifecycle hooks.

There it is a list of available lifecycle hooks at this moment:

Hook Description
init Runs immediately a component is instantiated. Can accept dependency injected services and route parameters.
mounting Runs before passing attribute values to the component.
mounted Runs right after passed through attribute values have been set to the component.
rendered Runs after components is rendered on the page. Client side only.
destroy Runs when instance is destroyed. Use it to unsubscribe from events, etc. Client side only.

Services and Models

Having Viewi components is good. But what about some service or model class? In this case you can take all advantages of using it, like sharing data or logic between components without repeating yourself. Let's move our Counter implementation into a separate CounterState class.


namespace Application\Components\Services\Demo;

class CounterState
    public int $count = 0;

    public function increment()

    public function decrement()

And now, we can reuse it anywhere by injecting into constructor, like this:


namespace Application\Components\Views\Demo\ServicesAndModels;

use Application\Components\Services\Demo\CounterState;
use Viewi\Components\BaseComponent;

class ServicesExample extends BaseComponent
    public function __construct(public CounterState $counter)
<button (click)="$counter->decrement" class="mui-btn mui-btn--accent">-</button>
<span class="mui--text-dark mui--text-title">{$counter->count}</span>
<button (click)="$counter->increment" class="mui-btn mui-btn--accent">+</button>

Viewi takes care about dependency injections automatically, you do not need to worry about it.

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern that allows you to inject automatically created services (or objects, etc.) without creating them manually.

The result will be next:


Sharing a state

You can use a service as a store for sharing data between two components. It can even be preserved during your application lifecycle.

To specify lifecycle you can use attributes:

Singleton - creates one instance for the entire application.

Scoped - creates one instance per routing page. After you navigate to another page the previous instance will get disposed.

By default all components and services are Transient - new instance is created every time you request it.

An example:



namespace Application\Components\Views\Demo\ServicesAndModels;

use Viewi\DI\Singleton;

class CounterStore
    public int $count = 0;

    public function increment()

    public function decrement()

Now you can share this service between different components and all of them will have the same count. In case you change the count it will be updated in all places accordingly.



namespace Application\Components\Views\Demo\ServicesAndModels;

use Viewi\Components\BaseComponent;
use Application\Components\Views\Demo\ServicesAndModels\CounterStore;

class ComponentA extends BaseComponent
    public function __construct(public CounterStore $counter)


    <div>Component A</div>
    <button (click)="$counter->decrement" class="mui-btn mui-btn--accent">-</button>
    <span class="mui--text-dark mui--text-title">{$counter->count}</span>
    <button (click)="$counter->increment" class="mui-btn mui-btn--accent">+</button>


namespace Application\Components\Views\Demo\ServicesAndModels;

use Viewi\Components\BaseComponent;
use Application\Components\Views\Demo\ServicesAndModels\CounterStore;

class ComponentB extends BaseComponent
    public function __construct(public CounterStore $counter)


    Component B
    <div>Count: {$counter->count}</div>

The result:

Component A
Component B
Count: 0

Using Inject attribute

You can also set dependencies to components properties usingInject` attribute and avoid passing arguments in the constructor:


class MyPage
    public Localization $localization;
    // or
    public Localization $localization;

Instance will be created and assigned to that property after component is created.

Useful when using traits.

Parent and child dependencies

Viewi allows you to set your dependencies on component level and pass it down to its nested components.

For example, make a new FormContext instance:

    <TextInput />
    <TextInput />
    <TextInput />

#[Inject(Scope::COMPONENT)] - makes a new instance and shares it with all of its children and nested components.

class ActionForm extends BaseComponent
    public function __construct(
        private FormContext $form
    ) {

And now the same instance will be available in all nested components:

#[Inject(Scope::PARENT)] - gets the instance from its parent

class TextInput extends BaseComponent
    public function __construct(
        private ?FormContext $form = null
    ) {
        // $form is same as in its parent

Provide and inject

Alternative way is to use provide and inject methods:

class ActionForm extends BaseComponent
    public function init()
        $this->formContext = new FormContext();
        // provide ActionForm using $this->formContext
        $this->provide(ActionForm::class, $this->formContext);
class TextInput extends BaseComponent
    public function init()
        // get ActionForm from its parent if provided.
         * @var ?FormContext $formContext
        $formContext = $this->inject(ActionForm::class);

If you do not set the instance on the parent level, null will be returned;