Guards and Middleware

Viewi provides you a mechanism to run additional code logic before navigating to a certain route. You can either allow a navigation or cancel it.


To implement a middleware simply create a class that implements Viewi\Components\Middleware\IMIddleware interface:

interface IMIddleware
    function run(IMIddlewareContext $c);

Where IMIddlewareContext is:

interface IMIddlewareContext
    function next(bool $allow = true);

For example:


namespace Components\Services\Middleware;

use Viewi\Components\Middleware\IMIddleware;
use Viewi\Components\Middleware\IMIddlewareContext;
use Viewi\Components\Routing\ClientRoute;
use Viewi\DI\Singleton;

class MemberGuard implements IMIddleware
    public function __construct(private ClientRoute $route)

    public function run(IMIddlewareContext $c)
        // OR cancel the navigation and redirect
        $c->next(false); // cancel
        $this->route->navigate('/'); // redirect

Using a middleware

Now you can use it with by setting a Viewi\Components\Attributes\Middleware attribute for your component and providing a list of middleware classes:



namespace Components\Views\Pages;

use Components\Services\Middleware\MemberGuard;
use Viewi\Components\Attributes\Middleware;
use Viewi\Components\BaseComponent;

class MemberPage extends BaseComponent
$router->get('/member', MemberPage::class);

Now every time you navigate to this component the additional logic will be executed before making the actual navigation.

You can chain as many middleware guards as you want.